Today I'm sharing an easy way for you to get a new look out of an old piece of furniture. As much as I hate it, the time has come to move another child out of our house and into the big, scary world. We've bought a few new things for her to take, and she'll be taking some things that have been in her room as long as she has. One piece of furniture accompanying her is a lingerie chest my mom gave her years ago. To get it ready to go, she's emptied out the drawers full of old CDs, elementary love notes, primary school journals, and high school homecoming ribbons...
To give it an update and make it contemporary looking like some of the other things in her new college room, we changed the drawer pulls. We went with a silvery, chrome color. I found the pulls in a clearance bin at Lowe's for $2.80 each. :-)
So for less than $20, the chest has been updated and freshened up - a bit more modern, with just a touch of contemporary.
Eventually the chest needs to be painted - lots of little finger print smudges collected through the years. But for now, the first half of the update is done. Inexpensive and easy - my two favorite decorating words. Are you wrapping up the summer with any last minute projects at your house? Comment below and tell us what you've been up to.
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